Making Aliyah! Next Steps

Next Steps

This page will contain information about what to do right before or right after your Aliyah flight.

First, you need to be prepared to pick your health insurance plan BEFORE you land. (more information to follow)

Second, do you like paying taxes? Me neither. There is a form to fill out and have ready right after you arrive in Israel to ask to kindly not have to pay taxes your first year. I recommend getting familiar with this form.

Recommendation from recent Oleh: Bring every bit of documentation with you in the original form. From as soon as you land to all of the next steps, you need to show it for just about everthing, starting with the Misrad Haklita (immigrant absorption office). (See Definitions page for more details on terms…)

1. Make appointment with Misrad Hapnim to get a real Teudat Zehut (because of Covid they only give you a paper temporary one at the airport). Also you will need your Teudat Zehut number for literally everything; it’s not like an American social security number that’s meant to be kept private; it’s totally normal to give it out at appointments and official stuff. (including this because funny: My first week in the bidud hotel I needed to put my Teudat Zehut number into an online food order form. Go figure 🤷

2. Set up an Israeli Bank account and finish signing up for Bituach Leumi (health care). The bank account is necessary since Sal Klita (the monthly government financial aid) can only be deposited into an Israeli account. Also, if you are going through NBN, they semi sign you up to the insurance you want before you come but you need to finish setting it up when you arrive. More info on selecting insurance in this NBN webinar (can go about 16 min in for description of different options)…

Partners In Aliyah Health Care video Feb 2021

Nefesh B’Nefesh Health Care video